The Thrill is Gone — B.B. King (ABC Bluesway, 1969)

2016-11-10T17:07:06+00:00November 10th, 2016|

Although this often considered the record that crossed B.B. King over into the pop market, Joel Whitburn's Top Pop Singles 1955-1990 reveals that it actually marked the 19th B.B. entry on pop charts dating back [...]

Manish Boy — Muddy Waters (Chess, 1955)

2016-11-10T17:07:06+00:00November 10th, 2016|

Manish Boy' was one of a series of Chess singles that featured Muddy Waters convincingly touting his own virility ('spelled M-A-N, that represent man, no B-O-Y') ably (and verbally) assisted by an all-star crew with [...]

Killing Floor — Howlin’ Wolf (Chess, 1964)

2016-11-10T17:07:05+00:00November 10th, 2016|

Bursting with energy from a strutting pulse, Hubert Sumlin's zinging guitar and Howlin' Wolf's lupine gnarl, 'Killing Floor' was one of Wolf's most recognizable songs. It has long been a staple among many blues bands [...]

Sweet Home Chicago — Robert Johnson (Vocalion, 1936)

2016-11-10T17:07:05+00:00November 10th, 2016|

Sweet Home Chicago' has become an all too familiar bar band anthem over the past few decades, but even in Robert Johnson's time the theme was circulating from one artist to another. Johnson may have [...]

Down Home Blues — Z.Z. Hill (Malaco album track, 1982)

2016-11-10T17:07:04+00:00November 10th, 2016|

With the George Jackson penned 'Down Home Blues,' Z.Z. Hill is credited with bringing the Blues back to the African American community. In 1982, the album Down Home inspired radio programmers across America to add [...]

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