I Can’t Quit You Baby — Otis Rush (Cobra 1956)

2016-11-10T17:07:02+00:00November 10th, 2016|

I Can't Quit You Baby' kicked off the recording career of Otis Rush, then in his early twenties, and launched a new Chicago label, Cobra, in grand fashion. Although both Rush and Cobra came up [...]

Born Under a Bad Sign — Albert King (Stax, 1967)

2016-11-10T17:07:02+00:00November 10th, 2016|

Born Under a Bad Sign' was one of the signature hits of Albert King that started to win the left-handed string-bender a crossover following in 1967, as he began to break out of the chittlin [...]

Wang Dang Doodle — Koko Taylor (Checker, 1965)

2016-11-10T17:07:02+00:00November 10th, 2016|

'Wang Dang Doodle' was the last Willie Dixon-produced Chicago blues single to make the Billboard charts, achieiving the No. 4 R&B and No. 58 Hot 100 positions in the spring of 1966. It became Koko [...]

Messing with the Kid — Junior Wells (Chief, 1960)

2016-11-10T17:07:02+00:00November 10th, 2016|

Amos Blackmore had barely shaken the dust of his native Memphis' streets from his pants cuffs when he began to make a name for himself in Chicago Blues. Soon after the pugnacious 12-year-old moved north [...]

Baby Scratch My Back–Slim Harpo (Excello, 1965)

2016-11-10T17:06:59+00:00November 10th, 2016|

James Moore AKA Slim Harpo Born: January 11, 1924 in the parish of West Baton Rouge, Louisiana. As a figure in the post-war rural blues, his music is often described as Louisiana swamp blues. As [...]

Part Time Love–Little Johnny Taylor (Galaxy, 1963)

2016-11-10T17:06:59+00:00November 10th, 2016|

Little Johnny Taylor (1943-2002) enjoyed popularity on the soul-blues circuit in the 1960s and '70s but today his songs seem to be better known than his name. His biggest hit, one since performed by many [...]

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